Animation is a vast and broad genre of film as any. Really, it runs parallel to live-action films, but it isn't held to the same rules and realities of filming that live-action is. Often times it's more complex and labor-intensive than traditional films. Bored with winter and locked-down we decided to watch a animated film a day for the entire month of January.
This "project" started in October when my girlfriend and I decided to watch a horror movie a day for the entire month. To do this we used Letterboxd to make some lists. 15 films/16 films were the first split (though I think we did one bonus film so it ended up and even split for us). We enjoyed doing that and having a kind of purpose to watching TV at night, other than just there was nothing else to do. Rather than watching aimless hours of TV and re-runs, catching up on films we've been wanting to see or revisit seemed like a better use of our time. So we rolled that into November but changed the genre to action films. Then comedies for December. And that's how we came to Animation January. Here they are in no particular order:
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